7 Ways to Improve Software Quality Which Will Not Break the Bank
The project management lifecycle is not complete without quality assurance and businesses are shifting their focus to build a high-quality product. If you are somehow related to an application or software then you are surely looking out for ways to ensure the quality of your product without breaking the bank. Exceptional software quality practices promise cost-effectiveness and enhance the performance of the product being delivered.
It is recommended to start implementing testing strategies at the initial stage as bugs can be easily identified and fixed. Bug identification in the later stage of the project may result in a complication that will eventually out-turn in more cost and time. To ensure that their testing goes in the right direction, consider using defect tracking software from the start of the testing. If issues are highlighted and solved in the initial stage then it is a win-win situation and efficiency of the results is also increased. Issues can be exacerbated if they are not identified timely and an expensive exercise would be carried out to fix the damage.
Instead of spending unnecessary time and resources on the project to fix the software issues one should shift maximum focus on the quality of the software from the start. Below mentioned are seven points which one should consider to increase software quality and follow an assured approach through the development.
1. Test Often and Early
Early testing is paramount for a successful quality product and this aspect neither can be ignored nor delayed. If testing is carried out often and in the early phase then issues and bugs won’t snowball into larger complications. If an issue becomes complex then it means it will set off to be more expensive and can’t be ironed out easily.
Testers need to be involved at earliest so that they remain at top of all issues and cater to issues timely. Adopt an early automation approach from basic UI tests and then accelerate it as the project stabilizes.
2. Implement Quality Controls
Testers and developers should work in partnership from the start and monitor quality controls as it ensures that set standards are being met. This is an ongoing process that starts from the beginning and is carried out until the product is delivered. Testers and developers should work shoulder to shoulder to develop software strategy and deal with bugs in a structured way.
3. Promote Innovation
As much it is appreciated to follow important testing structures along with quality metrics, it is also endorsed to think out of the box. A great way to promote innovation is to automate the monotonous processes and that sufficient time can be saved and used wisely.
4. Incorporate Management Tools
Effective quality management tools can help the team to build a sustainable business. Stakeholders are only concerned about their product and its quality as they expect companies to do whatever it takes to meet the quality standards. With the right tools, transparency is increased and employees do not get drained while performing day to day operations. Defect tracking software, issue tracking tool, project management software, and test automation tools are among the few which every software testing company should have.
5. Employee Training
Technology is evolving day by day and to cope up with the advancements, it is important to embrace the change and train your team accordingly. Professional training should be promoted and employees should be encouraged to opt for certifications to work in their best capacity. As tools and techniques upgrade with each passing day, employees should upgrade their skill set in a similar manner.
6. Error Management and Analysis
An organized approach should be adapted to track the issues and manage the risk. For successful software development, a risk register plays a vital role and so does defect tracking software. These tools help to keep everyone informed regarding the risks and defects in the systems so everyone can play their part in proposing a convenient solution and resolving ambiguities.
7. Review, Revise and Remember
A high-quality product is not a coincidence and it can’t happen overnight. It goes through a repeated process of review, revise, and remember which are explained as follows.
Review: Testers constantly review the code and ensure that set quality standards are being met.
Revise: To study the software process and understand which aspects worked for the project and which require more improvement. Analyze if innovation can transcend and changes can be made.
Remember: While delivering a quality product, note down what worked for you and what areas didn’t align. List down all positives and negatives of a successful project.
Final Thoughts
The success of your software product highly depends on the way you deal with it from the initial phase and how intelligently you manage the issues encountered. It is imperative that your team knows what they are working on and what is expected from them to be delivered. The testing team should come up with a clear plan to start with the entire process.
iTexico and Improving's nearshore delivery model for software quality assurance and collaborative, results-driven approach is designed around the success of your project. We’ll make use of the right technologies and tools for your strategic goals and work closely with your in-house team to ensure a timely delivery.
You can learn more about our quality assurance and testing teams here.
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