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What Recruiters Are Looking For in Mobile App Developers

Written by Oscar Salas | Thu, Nov 23, 2017 @ 06:18 PM

What Recruiters Are Looking For in Mobile App Developers

Have you ever wondered why IT companies are growing so fast?  The first and reasonable answer would be because technology is everywhere. Now, it’s a social need, a part of our lives, a daily tool. Even those who are not too attached to the technology and its improvements, sooner or later will start using these technologies as a part of their daily basis.

The iTexico Hiring Process and Software Development

When talking about my job with my friends, I was thinking about successful IT companies and how limited the numbers of people with specific knowledge about certain software development technologies. Now that I’m part of HR team, we’re recruiting a lot of profiles for an important IT company and also recruiting friends who used to be my classmates who have similar jobs.  We all agree in the long process to find the adequate person for the different positions.

This is a big challenge. It involves a lot of parties, the universities who has the responsibilities to prepare and train competitive professionals, the person interested to obtain the knowledge for his own interest, current software developers who keep updated in the new technologies, and the headhunters that are looking for the exact person with the right skills.

With so many parts involved, we can help each other. So for the person interested to get a job, the real question for us is what do employers look for? How can you show the best way to say “I have it”?

Show the Best of You

We could say that experience is one of the most important things that recruiters are looking for.  It’s totally valid and you should emphasize your experience.  This means that you have to explain what you did in a company as a technical contributor. Also, you have to talk about what you learn or what you do to solve a problem.  It’s very important to talk about how you can keep growing because it highlights you from someone else that can fill the technically position as well.

More specifically recruiters are looking for the following attitudes:

People, in this case software and mobile app developers, who can show their willingness to do more than is required in the workplace.

To “know what they don’t really know,” and constantly strive to learn more to fill in the gaps of their knowledge and experience.

Capacity to explain what they did in a past job which distinguished themselves and as a valuable team member to a future employer. Remember, not only the technical contributions.

People who can understand that recruiters are professional service providers who deserve respect. Understand that recruiters work with different candidates, but ultimately for companies.

The will to make an effort to establish a mutually beneficial relationship, by addressing them personally, offering to help find other candidates for positions if they aren’t the right fit themselves.

People who recognize it is counterproductive for both; themselves and the recruiter, to do the “end run” around the recruiter and deal directly with the company they represent.

It’s important to consider the mentioned tips, remember always show your major qualities, and all your experience. Finally, it is very important to add all the mobile and software development technical knowledge into your resume and describe in detail your professional experience. When it comes to the interview, remember to explain your ability to self-learn, the problems solved, and other initiatives in past software and mobile app projects.

Getting a job is itself a hard work and to look for someone who truly matches with the position is too! I hope with those tips you could be more prepared for your next job search.

Tip: We are recruiting now.

About the Author

Jessica Ayala has a Bachelor in Psychology specialized in Corporate Psychology with professional experience in  recruiting. She currently works at iTexico as Human Resources Analyst.